Hiawatha Public Library
Today's hours
We're open 9:00AM to 8:00PM
Tomorrow's hours
We're open 9:00AM to 8:00PM
Mon, Mar 10 | 9:00AM to 8:00PM |
Tue, Mar 11 | 9:00AM to 8:00PM |
Wed, Mar 12 | 9:00AM to 8:00PM |
Thu, Mar 13 | 9:00AM to 8:00PM |
Fri, Mar 14 | 9:00AM to 5:00PM |
Sat, Mar 15 | 10:00AM to 5:00PM |
Sun, Mar 16 | 1:00PM to 4:00PM |
The Library’s meeting rooms are intended to provide space for library programs and events, to fulfill the Library’s role as a community center where the public can attend educational, civic, cultural and recreational events to champion the principles of intellectual freedom by providing a forum for the free exchange of ideas subject to the rules outlined below.
The Hiawatha Public Library supports and endorses the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights, which states:
“A person’s right to use a library should not be denied or abridged because of origin, age, background, or views.”
“Libraries which make exhibit spaces and meeting rooms available to the public they serve should make such facilities available on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use.”
The fact that an organization is permitted to meet at the library does not constitute an endorsement of the organization’s beliefs by the library, staff, or Board of Trustees.
The Library provides large and small meeting spaces which include a community room that can be split by a movable wall.
Room size
length: 12ft width: 8ft area: 96 sq ft
Room description
Study room on the main floor, near the public computers.
Room Capacity
Total Capacity: 5
Room size
length: 9ft width: 8ft area: 72 sq ft
Room description
Study room in the lower level.
Room Capacity
Total Capacity: 5
Room size
length: 12ft width: 13ft area: 156 sq ft
Room description
Conference room on the main floor, near the Youth Services Desk.
Room Capacity
Total Capacity: 9
Room size
length: 9ft width: 14ft area: 126 sq ft
Room description
Conference room in the lower level.
Room Capacity
Total Capacity: 8
Room size
length: 42ft width: 22ft area: 924 sq ft
Room description
The half of the community room on our main floor that overlooks the parking lot.
*A key is required for bookings outside library operating hours. View the "Availability" tab for details.
Included resources
Chairs (40)
Tables (9)
Room Capacity
Total Capacity: 68
Room size
length: 42ft width: 22ft area: 924 sq ft
Room description
The half of the community room on our main floor that overlooks 2nd Ave.
*A key is required for bookings outside library operating hours. View the "Availability" tab for details.
Included resources
Chairs (40)
Tables (9)
Room Capacity
Total Capacity: 68
Room size
length: 42ft width: 44ft area: 1848 sq ft
Room description
The entire Community Room space on our main floor.
*A key is required for bookings outside library operating hours. View the "Availability" tab for details.
Included resources
Chairs (80)
Tables (18)
TV (2)
Room Capacity
Total Capacity: 136
The meeting rooms are designed for changing events and are open to diverse groups.
The Library cannot guarantee consistent weekly or monthly time slots for groups that wish to use Library spaces as their regular meeting place.
Meeting rooms are available for any of the following eligible uses:
Rooms are available at no charge to non-profit corporations (defined as those entities granted tax-exempt status by the IRS under section 501 (c) (3) or other tax exempt sections of the Internal Revenue Code), a candidates’ campaign committee (as defined in Iowa Code §68A.102(5)), a political committee (as defined by Iowa Code §68A.102(18), a non-profit citizen’s group that provides appropriate contact information, a governmental subdivision, or a department/division/bureau of a governmental subdivision. All non-profit meetings shall be open to the public and shall not be limited to the membership of the group or organization sponsoring the meeting.
The Glenn Schminke and Forrest Kramer small Community Room spaces are available to for-profit groups (such as businesses or law offices) for a $50.00 rental fee per use. This fee is $100.00 for the entire Forrest Glenn Community Room space.
If a for-profit organization has paid the room deposit and the organization must cancel their booking, they may receive a refund for their deposit at the circulation desk. A minimum of 24 hours’ notice prior to the scheduled reservation must be given in order to receive the deposit refund.
The library board neither approves nor disapproves of content, topics, subject matter, or points of view of groups using the meeting room. The room is not available for sectarian or religious services, private parties, or regularly scheduled meetings or classes.
Rooms may not be used for private functions, birthday and anniversary parties, weddings, funerals, or other personal celebrations.
No admission fees may be charged or solicited. No donations of money or other property may be solicited or collected from the audience. No promotions or sales of services, products, merchandise, materials, or other items are allowed.
No raffles, fundraising, commercial purposes, and contribution requests. Users shall not sell tickets, raffles, or any objects or solicit contributions from persons located anywhere in the library or on library property except in the cases of:
Meetings in the study rooms and conference rooms are available when the library is open.
Meetings in the community rooms may be held outside library hours (no bookings are permitted between 12 a.m. and 8 a.m.) If a reservation is made during hours when the library is closed, it is the responsibility of the person booking the room to pick up an after-hours key prior to the meeting. A library card is required to check out an after-hours key. After the meeting, the key may be dropped in the book return slot in the library entryway.
If the after-hours key is not returned within 3 business days a $25.00 refundable charge will be placed on the library account until the key is returned to the front desk.
Scheduling of rooms will be done on a first-come-first-served basis with library business, City of Hiawatha business, and library sponsored events having first priority. The library reserves the right to reschedule confirmed meeting room reservations to accommodate library sponsored programs and events. Cancellations for either the group or the library must be made 24 hours in advance of the meeting date.
Requests for use of audio or visual equipment and any other equipment owned by the library must be made at the time the venue is scheduled. The library does not guarantee the availability of any equipment.
Tables and chairs are available in all meeting rooms. The group is responsible for setting up, rearranging, and taking down tables and chairs. Meeting rooms must be left clean, in good repair, and in the same condition as found. Any group that damages library property will be liable for costs incurred in connection with such damage and may lose the privilege of using meeting rooms in the future.
No storage of equipment or records belonging to the group using the meeting room is allowed.
We ask that the tables and chairs be put back into this layout when you are done with the room.
Thank you.
Spare chairs (7) on the Forrest Kramer side should be put back by the window like this.
Extras go on the rack in the storage room.
On the Forrest Kramer side, four tables go in a square with two seats set at each table.
Extra tables and chairs go in the storage rooms.
Spare chairs (4 Orange, 4 Navy) on the Glenn Schminke side should be put back by the window like this.
150 W. Willman St.
Hiawatha, IA 52233
(319) 393-1414
Monday - Thursday
9 am - 8 pm
9 am - 5 pm
10 am - 5 pm
1 pm - 4 pm
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